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On Page Optimization

Good search engine optimization (SEO) begins with on page optimization. From the earliest days of the web, on page optimization was used to help give search engines a better idea of what the site was about, so that they could rank it in their index.

Fast-Forward to Today…

These days, technology and the sheer “always-on, on demand” culture of the digital lifestyle have made search engines and optimizing for them crucial to doing business online. It’s no longer a matter of a few keywords, a description and hoping for the best. Today’s on page optimization revolves around the very things that search engines look for – and expect to find.

Think about the web from a search engine’s point of view. They want customers to use their search engines, so relevancy is at the top of the list. If a site isn’t relevant, the customer won’t stick around – and that in turn reflects poorly on the search engine.

Multiply this effect time and time again, and people will go to other search engines or find other ways of getting exactly what they want – which causes the search engine to lose money on advertising and marketing. So relevancy is paramount – but how does one measure relevancy? You can’t trust website owners, who have been known to game the system more often than not (hence the term “black hat SEO”)

Which Optimization Factors Matter?

To help combat this problem, search engines like Google have a list of criteria they look for when ranking pages. There are hundreds of different factors (known as algorithms) that matter from a little bit, to a great deal.

Technology and marketing experts such as the professional team at WebPerfex have made it our personal mission to understand the main factors that contribute to a better search engine ranking, and while no one but the search engine programmers know ALL the algorithms, knowing which ones matter most is key to optimizing your site for maximum ranking and reach.

How We Can Help

Currently, there are a handful of major factors that search engines look for when ranking a site. Things such as relevant keywords in the title and content, proper use of headlines, and well-optimized pages that match what the customer is looking for are all aspects of a site that need to be taken into consideration.

Targeted offers that encourage customers to interact with them (known as landing pages), as well as a streamlined, easy-to-use checkout system propel the customer to take action toward completing a sign up or a sale – all which act like “blips” on a search engine’s radar – telling it “this site was relevant to a customer – they found what they were looking for.”

Multiply this experience times hundreds or thousands of customers, and each “blip” gives the search engine yet another great reason to rank your site higher, thus causing a ripple-effect that brings you more customers that in turn have more relevant and positive experiences with your site.

See How it Works?

Although this is a simplified explanation, it nevertheless gives you a glimpse inside how the search engine thinks, and why on page optimization for ALL your pages is so important.

Won’t it be great to see your site in the search listings for your best keywords almost immediately? A well optimized page can do that for you, and so much more.

Contact the experts at WebPerfex today and we’ll work with you to create an unbeatable on page optimization strategy that will help your pages rank better and attract more customers. It’s a small investment that can lead to a big payoff for you and your business.

Optimize For Results!

From small business sites to major corporations, no project is too big or too small for our optimization team. By contacting the professionals at WebPerfex, not only can we optimize each page to the fullest, but if your site is brand new, we can build a system that’s easy for you to update and maximizes every page you create for full “search engine rankability”.

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